
Frequently Asked Questions

SureTest Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is SureTest?

SureTest is a managed service automation solution that saves healthcare organizations thousands of hours annually on EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing processes. Our skilled developers and test automation engineers build customized automation scripts and continually maintain them for our clients, helping to optimize client staff, deliver game-changing efficiency, and improve patient care.

2. What Is Included?

SureTest’s Test Automation Solution is an all-inclusive, full-service solution that includes software, development, deployment, monitoring, and continual maintenance by our dedicated engineers of the customized scripts we define as our client’s  SurePersona™ Engine. SureTest leverages its extensive global library of test scripts (SureWorks™ Library) to develop customized test scripts, allowing us to deliver them efficiently, successfully, and completely throughout your organization. Learn about SureTest’s customer satisfaction and award-winning customer support.

3. What Platform Can I Use With SureTest?

Depending on what you desire to automate, various platforms are available to leverage SureTest’s technology-agnostic solution. We highly recommend using Eggplant since it can handle the complexity of applications such as EHR or enterprise solutions like WorkDay, web/mobile, etc. SureTest is a leading certified Eggplant partner that offers access to competitive pricing.

4. What Technology Is SureTest Built On?

We built the SureTest proprietary SureWorks Library leveraging Eggplant by Keysight Technologies. This core platform allows SureTest to run its unmatched test script library. SureTest helps clients get the most out of Eggplant by supercharging the platform and helping clients operate more efficiently.

5. What Value Can I Expect From SureTest?

Built by our seasoned healthcare developers, SureTest delivers in a few months what would take a healthcare system years to build. SureTest’s proprietary SureWorks Library jumpstarts custom test automation with ROI realized in as few as 4 to 6 weeks. Client studies confirm that SureTest delivers a positive ROI in Year 1 with a phenomenal 3-year ROI of up to 200%+.

6. How Can SureTest Help My Staff?

SureTest’s Test Automation Solution relieves your staff of the burden of manual testing. We eliminate 80% or more of manual testing activities while drastically improving test quality. It means mitigating staff burnout, higher employee morale, and more time for your staff to focus on the strategic work they were hired to perform.

7. What Kind of Testing Can SureTest Automate?

SureTest can automate any end-user testing for EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing processes and covers integrated, unit, smoke, and regression testing, along with break/fix maintenance. We also support enterprise solutions, such as HR, ERP/supply chain, and CRM systems like INFOR, Workday, PeopleSoft, and Salesforce.

8. What Can SureTest Integrate With?

SureTest can directly integrate with IBM RQM, HP ALM, Jira, and Jenkins. If direct integration is not available for other similar applications (i.e., ServiceNow and BMC Remedy), we can still automate interactions within the applications, such as logging support tickets, reporting errors, etc.

9. What Are SureTest’s Infrastructure Requirements?

A medium-sized health system will need 3 workstations for individual test activities and 1 small to medium server to deploy, schedule, and execute scripts. These can be virtual machines and scaled to accommodate your test automation program as it expands.

10. Does SureTest Touch PHI?

SureTest conducts all testing in an environment that does not contain patient health information (PHI). We access your systems like any other user would with a dedicated test user account to authenticate inside an application.

11. How Long Does SureTest Take To Implement?

SureTest expedites a quick set-up with leverageable automation in the first 4-6 weeks and typically takes only 6-9 months to fully implement the automation. Time-saving automation is delivered throughout the project, accelerating speed to value and ROI.

12. How Much Time Does Our Team Need To Commit?

A successful deployment involves working with either a part-time testing coordinator, lead analyst, or PM to act as the liaison to our team during implementation. The total time required for the collective hospital staff ranges between 60 and 90 hours during a 6-9 month implementation.

13. What Does SureTest Need To Start Implementation?

We first identify and prioritize the primary integrated scripts clients test during upgrade cycles. Next, we schedule workflow capture sessions in which the client analyst/trainer executes test scripts manually while they’re recorded virtually. The recording is used as a tool for developing the client’s automated scripts.

14. What Is SureTest’s Pricing?

The initial solution comprises a 3-year fixed-fee managed service program. Pricing is based on the number of workflows required. Contact to learn more.

15. What if I Have an EHR Migration?

SureTest drastically reduces integrated testing costs during migration and enables easier transitions during hospital mergers. We support running multiple iterations of your testing cycle during implementation with little to no impact on the hours allocated. It also reduces testing effort and future upgrade costs.

16. Does SureTest Reduce Unit Testing or Break/Fix Testing?

Yes. SureTest’s Automation Engineers perform scheduled regression testing. Any changes made to the system that impact scripts are analyzed and verified with the hospital liaison before scripts are updated.

17. Will We Have Access to Dashboards, or Can We Run Scripts Ourselves?

Our clients have full access to the same dashboards SureTest develops, and our dedicated engineers can run scripts at your discretion. Because we schedule scripts to run automatically as part of the managed service solution, most organizations do not find it necessary to run their scripts on demand.

18. Who Fixes a Broken Script?

We do! Our skilled engineers handle any issues, so you don’t have to. SureTest’s managed service Test Automation Solution includes all maintenance and continual development to keep your scripts current.

19. Who Manages Break/Fix or When a Test Fails?

Your dedicated Test Automation Engineer will analyze any script failures continuously and make the necessary adjustments for the next scheduled test run. If our Engineer has questions about the changes that caused the script to fail, they will work with the hospital liaison to validate the appropriate action.

20. How Often Does the System Run Tests?

SureTest can schedule the system test to run frequently, depending on the script’s complexity. Complex scripts (i.e., including revenue cycle) can take multiple days to complete. Our goal is to run the scripts as often as possible for your organization.

21. How Does SureTest Maintain Daily Changes to Workflows Outside of Upgrades?

Your assigned Test Automation Engineer will analyze any script failures continuously and make the necessary adjustments for the next scheduled test. Any failures are addressed directly because of their EHR or enterprise domain capability and because they become a part of your change management process. If they have questions about the changes that caused the script to fail, they will work with the hospital liaison to validate the appropriate action.

22. How Updated Are the Scripts? How Long Does It Take To Have the Scripts Ready for a Major Testing Event?

SureTest continually develops scripts, so they are always current. We require a minimum of two weeks’ notice to prepare scripts for a major upgrade release.

Need More Info?

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