Why SureTest?

  • By SureTest Inc
  • August 26, 2022
SureTest Turnkey Solution for Healthcare IT Automation Flowchart

Test automation can save your healthcare organization significant resourcing, which is especially important as the industry copes with tightening budgets, staffing challenges, and widespread burnout.  

There are a few test automation solutions on the market, but not all of them are equal. We encourage vetting any solution under consideration to ensure it will meet your organization’s needs and expectations, both now and in the future.

If you’re looking for a turn-key managed service test automation solution for EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing, SureTest solves the problem with speed and immediate value. Liberate your team from manual testing and save time and resources while drastically improving testing quality.

How SureTest is Unique

We take a completely different approach than other solutions. Our mission is to transform EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing to free healthcare professionals to focus on caring for their communities.

SureTest started as a vision of our partners — former leaders at Santa Rosa Consulting — where we launched a successful test automation offering adopted by health systems nationwide.

Our seasoned healthcare engineers and developers — multi-year Epic and Cerner build and implementation experience and certified in test automation tools — created SureTest’s Test Automation Solution. 

It is built leveraging Eggplant by Keysight Technologies, which expedites and simplifies the testing process with a user-based approach that improves testing. SureTest supercharges Eggplant to maximize efficiency and leverage the platform to meet the specific needs of healthcare organizations.

Created Specifically For Healthcare

Healthcare has distinct challenges and requirements that standard test automation doesn’t always factor in. We know your health system is like a large tree, with patients moving through it. Most hospitals run labor-intensive, redundant tests from the roots to the tips of each “branch” or potential patient journey.

Since many components are shared, SureTest leverages these common elements to configure your SurePersona® Engine, our robust tool for emulating the exact functions each team member needs to employ for each use case, performing them with astounding speed and precision every time.

Your team can focus on their primary job functions without the disruption of manual testing activities. This means you can optimize your staff, mitigate burnout, and boost morale.

And since SureTest accounts for every patient journey and related workflow, you can improve patient care by making rigorous, continuous testing a reality.

Hear From Others That Chose SureTest

With SureTest, you’ll be up and running in no time. Only 50 to 60 hours are required over six months, and compelling ROI is realized as soon as 4 to 6 weeks into the process.

Client CHRISTUS Health recently worked with SureTest to complete performance and stress tests for their COVID-19 vaccination portal, finishing the project in under 96 hours. 

Stuart James, VP, Chief Operations Officer & Deputy CIO of Information Services at CHRISTUS Health, says SureTest is “…saving us thousands of hours related to manual testing. The CHRISTUS team members can now focus on our innovation efforts for more strategic initiatives.”

Client Novant Health needed a better way to test its Epic system and existing infrastructure. By working with SureTest, Novant drastically increased its testing efficiency and reliability, reducing the time to run test scripts by an average of 91%.

Recent client studies confirm that SureTest delivers a positive ROI in year 1 with a 3-year ROI of up to 200%+ — depending on the size of the health system and how you’re currently testing. By deferring headcount, the solution will pay for itself by backfilling three to four hires.

The Only Managed Service Test Automation Solution

Testing your EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing is essential, but many healthcare organizations lack the resources for effective and efficient testing. It requires the right framework, flawless scripts, and continual script updates.

If there was ever an industry that didn’t have time for this, it’s healthcare.

That’s why we created SureWorks®: an ever-expanding, always-updated test script library.

Our comprehensive collection of automated test scripts contains over 2,700 workflows typically found across EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing.

It enables SureTest to jumpstart the speed of customized development specific to a client’s individualized workflows and maintain continuous system updates.

Our managed service test automation solution provides clients with the continual development of scripts, daily testing, and real-time reporting. SureTest eliminates up to 80% or more of manual testing activities, so you only need a few QA specialists to handle uncommon exceptions.

Dedicated to Test Automation

Our team recognizes healthcare’s urgent need for efficient, effective, and thorough testing. That’s why we’ve chosen to focus exclusively on test automation for healthcare. 

Unlike other companies that split their attention among multiple offerings, we’ve dedicated all our resources to test automation so we can provide our clients with a best-in-class managed service.

SureTest’s Test Automation Solution is based on our rigorous expert methodology, SureMethod™ Framework, which is the bedrock for every test automation sequence we deploy.

Combined with the SureWorks Library and your SurePersona® Engine, our solution will transform your entire approach to system upgrades and new implementations.

SureTest’s Test Automation Solution works behind the scenes to drastically reduce the length of testing cycles, allowing you to improve integrity by testing more thoroughly and frequently.

With tens of thousands of tedious testing hours gone, your team expedites go-lives and upgrades and keeps projects on schedule

What’s Next

The SureTest team has traveled down the test automation path countless times and can help your healthcare organization transform your EHR, third-party, and enterprise application testing.

Learn how SureTest accelerates speed to value in this webinar with SureTest COO Mark Scruggs and Daniel Gannon from Eggplant/Keysight Technologies:

Watch the webinar.