Making the Complex Simple: How SureTest Automates EHR, Third-Party, and Enterprise Application Testing Processes

  • By SureTest Inc
  • November 10, 2021
SureTest explains how our test automation approach is different, and why it matters.

A health system is like a large tree, and similar to a tree’s nutrients, patients travel through it. The health systems’ complex structure works diligently to support life and health, so it is important to validate that every element functions together in harmony.

For a health system’s EHR, third-party, and enterprise applications, points of the system intersect, much like the connected parts of a tree. Most organizations run tests in a redundant, linear, labor-intensive fashion, from the roots to the tip of every branch.

We often see an end result that can be a convoluted multitude of potential patient journeys, yielding a tangled mess of branches. Every time a health system adds a branch, new test scenarios are often created from scratch.

A Different Approach

At SureTest, we take an alternative approach to testing.

The SureWorks® Library

We know where common workflows are across EHR, third-party, and enterprise applications, so we built a plug-and-play library of these typical workflows. SureWorks® is our extensive collection — 2,000 and counting — of automated work flows that jumpstart the speed of customized development.

Case in point: the patient journeys of a labor and delivery visit and an emergency department visit both share common workflows (arrive patient, triage patient, admit patient). Their common journey then splits as the two patients are admitted to their respective departments. After discharge, their patient journeys meet again in the same workflow “branch” (coding, charge review, billing/claims).

By leveraging these common workflows, the SureWorks library allows for tremendous efficiency in automation. Instead of testing every patient journey in a linear, overlapping manner, SureTest transforms testing into a highly efficient process with a high-volume capacity so you can test continuously. Our client, Novant Health , can now test their scripts daily, and they no longer require an entire team dedicated to testing. In fact, the health system decreased the time they spend running test scripts by 91%. Their teams of 10 to 12 quality assurance staff members, who were previously responsible for all manual testing, can now dedicate their time to more strategic projects. SureTest also minimizes disruption for clinical staff who were previously pulled into testing. They are now free to focus on their primary job priorities.

We created the SureWorks library so clients could benefit from each other. As more organizations innovate, and new patient journeys are added to the library, our clients can take advantage of those additions.

It is particularly beneficial when it comes to version upgrades. At SureTest, we know what’s coming in future upgrades and work to address them. Your test scripts are maintained and updated before you even receive the upgrade — another time saver.

The SurePersona® Engine

At SureTest, every client has a SurePersona® Engine containing their specific workflows. This powerful tool emulates the exact functions each team member needs to perform for every testing script. It lets organizations own their testing scripts while allowing access to our SureWorks Library anytime a new script is needed.

The SureMethod® Framework

SureMethod® is a constantly growing “plug-and-play” framework. This methodology is the foundation of every test automation sequence we deploy. This rigorous framework was developed by our team of expert healthcare specialists certified in major EHRs (Epic, Cerner) and test automation tools.

The Eggplant Platform

SureTest allows you to gain even more value from the Eggplant platform by supercharging it. As a certified Eggplant partner, we work closely with Eggplant to continually innovate so you can maximize platform efficiency.

We engineer a complete end-to-end solution that integrates Eggplant into your system implementations and upgrades. If you’re not already using Eggplant, we’ll help you get started and tailor your SureTest solution to your specific needs.

What’s Next

Are you interested in hearing how SureTest has been a game-changer for organizations like yours? Check out our latest on-demand webinar: “Unpacking Test Automation: How to Innovate and Save Like Novant Health.” Ryan Neaves, VP of Care Operations at Novant Health, discusses how test automation helped the organization innovate while saving time and money.

Jump to 22:20 to see how SureTest automation works and why we are different.